OpenVoiceOS Security
Securing SSH
Most of our guides have you create a user called ovos with a password of ovos, while this makes install easy, it's VERY insecure. As soon as possible, you should secure ssh using a key and disable password authentication.
When connecting from a Linux or MacOS client
Create a keyfile (you can change ovos to whatever you want)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ovos
Copy to host (use the same filename as above, specify the user and hostname you are using)
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ovos ovos@mycroft
On your dekstop, edit ~/.ssh/config and add the following lines
Host rp2
user ovos
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ovos
On your ovos system, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add or uncomment the following line:
PasswordAuthentication no
restart sshd or reboot
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Message Bus Security
Anything connected to the bus can fully control OVOS, and OVOS usually has full control over the whole system!
You can read more about the security issues over at Nhoya/MycroftAI-RCE
in mycroft-core all skills share a bus connection, this allows malicious skills to manipulate it and affect other skills
you can see a demonstration of this problem with BusBrickerSkill
"shared_connection": false
ensures each skill gets its own websocket connection and avoids this problem
Additionally, it is recommended you change "host": ""
, this will ensure no outside world connections are allowed