
What is Dinkum

Mycroft Mark2 shipped with a new version of mycroft called "dinkum", this is a total overhaul of mycroft-core and incompatible

mycroft-core is now referred to as "Classic Core" by MycroftAI

MycroftAI now provides what they call sandbox images, to add to the confusion those only work in the mark 2 and "Classic Core" means the mark-ii/latest branch of mycroft-core, this is a derivative version of the branch that was used in the dev kits (mark-ii/qa) and is also backwards incompatible, changes in this branch were not done via PRs and had no review or community input

Mark2 useful links:

Dinkum vs ovos-core

you can find mycroft's guide to porting skills to dinkum here https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/mark-ii/differences-to-classic-core/porting-classic-core-skills

mark2/qa brought some changes to mycroft-core, not all of them backwards compatible and some that were contentious within the community.

  • VAD - VAD has been added to the mark-ii, but it is hardcoded to silero, this feature has been adopted via OPM, it is an important part of ovos-core listening modes introduced in version 0.0.5
  • self.resources - resource file loading was overhauled, this feature has been improved (ovos-core/pull/130 + ovos-core/pull/131 + ovos-core/pull/135 + ovos-core/pull/170) and ported to OVOS and is also available in OVOSkill class (OVOS-workshop/pull/30) for usage in classic core
  • audio hal - audio playback was rewritten from scratch, audio plugin support has been removed, OVOS will not adopt this new approach but keep improving the previous one
  • skill states - converse method introduced skill states, this changed some core assumptions behind converse method and active skills, OVOS will not adopt skill states, see community discussion here mycroft-core/pull/2901 + mycroft-core/pull/2906
  • pure regex intents - pure regex intents have been introduced, we strongly recommend you use padatious instead if this is desired, regex makes language support really hard, let the intent engines do their jobs
  • adapt fork - a fork of adapt is used in the mark2, it introduces the exactly and excludes methods. excludes will be added upstream in adapt/pull/156. Any skill using these new methods will be incompatible with most core versions
  • activities - an activity is just a set of bus messages to indicate something started and ended, it is a reimplementation of an already existing feature, in ovos we use the native events from the self.add_event skill method

dinkum contains all changes above and also brought further changes to the table

  • sessions - in dinkum session handling is done by skills, it completely ignores the message.context mechanism and existing session_id, in ovos we believe session should come in the message and handled by the clients (eg, a chat user or a hivemind client....), in ovos we are expanding the original session concept ovos-core/pull/160
  • dbus-hal - a dbus service specific to the mk2 has been introduced, in ovos we have a generic PHAL service and companion plugins to interface with mk2 hardware instead, this component is mark2 specific and should be ignored in the ovos ecosystem

Any skills using these new "features" will not work outside the mark2


Do OVOS skills run in dinkum?

No, not even classic core skills run in dinkum. We have no plans to support this

Do Dinkum skills run in ovos?

No, dinkum is designed in a very incompatible way, the mycroft module is not always mycroft-core and the MycroftSkill class is not always a MycroftSkill, we have no intention of transparently loading dinkum skills in ovos-core

We have a small proof of concept tool to convert a dinkum skill into an ovos/classic core compatible skill, see https://github.com/OpenVoiceOS/undinkumfier

Does OCP work in dinkum?

No, Audio plugin support has been removed, you can run OCP standalone but will be missing the compatibility layers and can't load OCP skills anyway

It could be made to work but this is not in the roadmap, PRs will be accepted and reviewed

Does PHAL work in dinkum?

It should! We don't explicitly target or test it with dinkum, but it is a fairly standalone component

Does OPM work in dinkum?

STT , TTS and WW plugins should work, We don't explicitly target or test compatibility, PRs will be accepted and reviewed