How to Secure SSH
Most of our guides have you create a user called ovos with a password of ovos, while this makes install easy, it's VERY insecure. As soon as possible, you should secure ssh using a key and disable password authentication.
When connecting from a Linux or MacOS client
Create a keyfile (you can change ovos to whatever you want)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ovos
Copy to host (use the same filename as above, specify the user and hostname you are using)
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ovos ovos@mycroft
On your dekstop, edit ~/.ssh/config and add the following lines
Host rp2
user ovos
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ovos
On your ovos system, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add or uncomment the following line:
PasswordAuthentication no
restart sshd or reboot
sudo systemctl restart sshd