

Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) Handled by
mycroft.gui.screen.close "skill_id": str Handles the event to close the GUI screen in a skill. gui.clear.namespace self.handle_remove_namespace


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
gui.clear.namespace "__from": str Clears a skill's namespace in the GUI. mycroft.gui.screen.close


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Handled by
recognizer_loop:record_begin Listening started on_record_begin
recognizer_loop:record_end Listening ended on_record_end
recognizer_loop:audio_output_start Speaking started on_audio_output_start
recognizer_loop:audio_output_end Speaking started on_audio_output_end
recognizer_loop:sleep On naptime animation on_sleep
mycroft.awoken On wakeup animation on_awake
speak On speak messages, intended for enclosures on_speak
enclosure.notify.no_internet on_no_internet
enclosure.reset The enclosure should restore itself to a started state. on_reset
enclosure.system.reset The enclosure hardware should reset any CPUs, etc. on_system_reset
enclosure.system.mute Mute (turn off) the system speaker. on_system_mute
enclosure.system.unmute Unmute (turn on) the system speaker. on_system_unmute
enclosure.system.blink The 'eyes' should blink the given number of times. on_system_blink
enclosure.eyes.on Illuminate or show the eyes. on_eyes_on
enclosure.eyes.off Turn off or hide the eyes. on_eyes_off
enclosure.eyes.fill Fill the eyes on_eyes_fill
enclosure.eyes.blink "side": str Make the eyes blink on_eyes_blink
enclosure.eyes.narrow Make the eyes look narrow, like a squint on_eyes_narrow
enclosure.eyes.look "side": str Make the eyes look to the given side on_eyes_look
enclosure.eyes.color "r": int
"g": int
"b": int
Change the eye color to the given RGB color on_eyes_color
enclosure.eyes.brightness "level": int Set the brightness of the eyes in the display on_eyes_brightness
enclosure.eyes.volume "volume": int Indicate the volume using the eyes on_eyes_volume
enclosure.eyes.spin on_eyes_spin
enclosure.eyes.timedspin "length": int Make the eyes 'roll' for the given time on_eyes_timed_spin
enclosure.eyes.setpixel Set pixel on the eyes on_eyes_set_pixel
enclosure.eyes.reset Restore the eyes to their default (ready) state. on_eyes_reset
enclosure.mouth.events.activate Enable movement of the mouth with speech _activate_mouth_events
enclosure.mouth.events.deactivate Disable movement of the mouth with speech _deactivate_mouth_events
enclosure.mouth.reset reset mouth to default state on_display_reset
enclosure.mouth.talk Show a generic 'talking' animation for non-synched speech on_talk
enclosure.mouth.think Show a 'thinking' image or animation on_think
enclosure.mouth.listen Show a 'thinking' image or animation on_listen
enclosure.mouth.smile Show a 'smile' image or animation on_smile
enclosure.mouth.viseme "code": int Display a viseme mouth shape for synched speech on_viseme
enclosure.mouth.viseme_list "start": int
"viseme_pairs": List[Tuple[int, int]]
Mouth visemes as a list in a single message on_viseme_list
enclosure.mouth.text "text": str Display text (scrolling as needed) on_text
enclosure.mouth.display "img_code": str
"x": int
"y": int
"refresh": bool
Display images on faceplate. Currently supports images up to 16x8, or half the face. on_display
enclosure.weather.display "img_code": char
"temp": int
Show a the temperature and a weather icon on_weather_display