

Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Emits response handled by
mycroft.stop The skill stops everything it is doing mycroft.stop.handled self.stop
{self.skill_id}.converse.ping Informs ConverseService if the skill supports converse. skill.converse.pong self._handle_converse_ack
{self.skill_id}.converse.request 'utterances': List
'lang': str
Handles user input with the converse method if skill is active skill.converse.response self.converse
{self.skill_id}.activate Callback when the skill is considered active by the intent service. self.handle_activate
{self.skill_id}.deactivate Callback when the skill is no longer considered active by the intent service. self.handle_deactivate
intent.service.skills.deactivated 'skill_id': str Intent service deactivated a skill. {self.skill_id}.deactivate self._handle_skill_deactivated
intent.service.skills.activated 'skill_id': str Intent service activated a skill. {self.skill_id}.activate self._handle_skill_activated
mycroft.skill.enable_intent 'intent_name': str Re-registers a disabled intent (intent_name contains munged skill_id) self.handle_enable_intent
mycroft.skill.disable_intent 'intent_name': str Disables a registered intent (intent_name contains munged skill_id) self.handle_disable_intent
mycroft.skill.set_cross_context 'context': str
'word': str
'origin': str
Sets a skill specific context (with munged skill_id) self.handle_set_cross_context
mycroft.skill.remove_cross_context 'context': str removes skill specific context (with munged skill_id) self.handle_remove_cross_context
mycroft.skills.settings.changed 'skill_id': Dict Update settings if a remote settings change applies to this skill. self.handle_settings_change
{self.skill_id}.public_api Responds with the skill's public API. {self.skill_id}.public_api.response self._send_public_api
{self.skill_id}.converse.get_response 'utterances': List
'lang': str
communicates user response (get_response) to the skill self.get_response
mycroft.skills.abort_question Force self.get_response to return None immediately self.get_response
mycroft.mark2.collect_idle DEPRECATED: responds to ovos-gui letting it know skill provides a homescreen mycroft.mark2.register_idle self._handle_collect_resting
{self.skill_id}.idle DEPRECATED: callback to trigger homescreen provided by this skill @resting_handler decorator


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
{self.skill_id}.activate Emits a message to activate the skill. intent.service.skills.activated
{self.skill_id}.deactivate Emits a message to deactivate the skill. intent.service.skills.deactivated
intent.service.skills.activate 'skill_id': str Marks the skill as active and pushes it to the top of the active skills list. self._activate
intent.service.skills.deactivate 'skill_id': str Marks the skill as inactive and removes it from the active skills list. self._deactivate
skill.converse.pong 'skill_id': str
'can_handle': bool
Informs the skills service whether the skill can handle converse. skill.converse.ping
skill.converse.response 'skill_id': str
'result': bool
Responds to a skill.converse.request with the result of converse. skill.converse.request
skill.converse.get_response.enable "skill_id": str Enables getting a response from the user during a conversation. self.get_response
skill.converse.get_response.disable "skill_id": str Disables getting a response from the user during a conversation. self.get_response
mycroft.mic.listen Triggers listening for user input. self.speak + self.get_response
mycroft.skill.set_cross_context 'context': str
'word': str
'origin': str
Emits a message to set cross-context data. self.set_cross_skill_context
mycroft.skill.remove_cross_context 'context': str` Emits a message to remove cross-context data. self.remove_cross_skill_context
speak "utterance": str
"expect_response": bool
"meta": Dict
"lang": self.lang
Initiates speech synthesis to speak the provided utterance. self.speak
detach_skill "skill_id": str Tell IntentService to remove all intents from this skill self.default_shutdown
{self.skill_id}.public_api.response '{method_name}': {'help': str, 'type': str, 'func': str} Reports skill api data {self.skill_id}.public_api
mycroft.audio.queue "uri": str Queue an audio file for playback. self.play_audio
mycroft.audio.play_sound "uri": str
"instant": bool
Play an audio file self.play_audio
mycroft.stop Stop everything skills are doing self.send_stop_signal
mycroft.audio.speech.stop Stop the speech synthesis process. self.send_stop_signal
recognizer_loop:record_stop Instruct ovos-listener to stop recording. self.send_stop_signal
mycroft.mic.mute DEPRECATED: (classic core only) Mute the microphone, possibly used to stop recording during speech recognition. self.send_stop_signal
mycroft.mic.unmute DEPRECATED: (classic core only) Unmute the microphone. self.send_stop_signal
mycroft.mark2.register_idle "name": self.resting_name
"id": str
DEPRECATED: Registers a resting screen for the skill. mycroft.mark2.collect_idle
active_skill_request 'skill_id': str DEPRECATED: (classic core only) same as intent.service.skills.activate self._activate


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) handled by
ovos.skills.fallback.ping "utterances": List
"lang": str
Informs the skills service that the FallbackSkill can handle fallbacks. ovos.skills.fallback.pong self._handle_fallback_ack
ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id Handles a fallback request, calling registered handlers in priority order until one is successful. ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.start, ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.response @fallback_handler decorator / self.register_fallback


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
ovos.skills.fallback.register "skill_id": str
"priority": int
Registers the FallbackSkill with the skills service, specifying its skill ID and priority. self._register_system_event_handlers
ovos.skills.fallback.pong "skill_id": str
"can_handle": bool
Informs the skills service whether the FallbackSkill can handle fallbacks for a given set of utterances and language. ovos.skills.fallback.ping
ovos.skills.fallback.deregister "skill_id": str` Deregisters the FallbackSkill with the skills service. self.default_shutdown
ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.start Indicates the start of the fallback handling process for a specific skill. ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.request
ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.response "result": bool
"fallback_handler": str
Indicates the result of the fallback handling process for a specific skill, including whether it was successful and the name of the fallback handler. ovos.skills.fallback.skill_id.request


Listens To

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) handled by
ovos.common_play.query "phrase": str
"question_type": str
Query skill if it can start playback from the given phrase. ovos.common_play.skill.search_start, ovos.common_play.skill.search_end @ocp_search decorator
ovos.common_play.featured_tracks.play "skill_id": str Play featured tracks from a skill with the specified skill_id. @ocp_featured_media decorator
ovos.common_play.skills.get Request information about the skills that support common playback. ovos.common_play.announce self.__handle_ocp_skills_get
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.play Handle the playback of media. ovos.common_play.player.state @ocp_play decorator
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.pause Handle the pause of media playback. ovos.common_play.player.state @ocp_pause decorator
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.resume Handle the resume of media playback. ovos.common_play.player.state @ocp_resume decorator
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.next Handle the request to play the next track. @ocp_next decorator
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.previous Handle the request to play the previous track. @ocp_previous decorator
ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.stop Handle the stop of media playback. ovos.common_play.player.state self.stop
ovos.common_play.search.stop Stop a media search. self.__handle_stop_search
mycroft.stop Stop a media search in response to a global stop self.__handle_stop_search


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
ovos.common_play.announce "skill_id": str
"skill_name": str
"thumbnail": str
"media_types": List
"featured_tracks": bool
Announce skill information to the common playback framework. ovos.common_play.skills.get
ovos.common_play.skill.search_start "skill_id": str
"skill_name": str
"thumbnail": str
Signal the start of a media search initiated by the skill. ovos.common_play.query
ovos.common_play.query.response "phrase": str
"skill_id": str
"skill_name": str
"thumbnail": str
"results": List
"searching": bool
Respond to a media search query with search results. ovos.common_play.query
ovos.common_play.skill.search_end "skill_id": str Signal the end of a media search initiated by the skill. ovos.common_play.query
ovos.common_play.player.state "state": str Signal changes in the media player state (e.g., playing, paused, stopped). ovos.common_play.{self.skill_id}.play


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) Handled by
question:query "phrase": str Handles incoming user queries and attempts to answer them. question:query.response self.CQS_match_query_phrase
question:action "phrase": str
"callback_data": Dict
Skill selected to answer question callback self.CQS_action


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
question:query.response "phrase": str
"skill_id": str
"answer": str
"callback_data": Dict
"conf": float
Report id the skill can answer the user query. question:query


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) handled by
mycroft.ready Shows idle screen when the device is ready for use. skill.idle.displayed self.handle_idle
homescreen.manager.activate.display "homescreen_id": str Display this home screen if requested by the Home Screen Manager. skill.idle.displayed self.handle_idle
homescreen.manager.reload.list Reloads this skill's homescreen entry and sends it to the Home Screen Manager. self._reload_homescreen_entry
mycroft.skills.shutdown "id": str Removes this homescreen from the Home Screen Manager if requested. self._remove_homescreen_on_shutdown


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
skill.idle.displayed Indicates that the idle display is shown. homescreen.manager.activate.display
homescreen.manager.add "class": str
"name": str
"id": str
Registers this skill's homescreen entry with the Home Screen Manager. self._register_system_event_handlers
homescreen.manager.remove "class": str
"name": str
"id": str
Removes this skill's homescreen entry from the Home Screen Manager. mycroft.skills.shutdown
homescreen.manager.reload.list Requests a reload of this skill's homescreen entry. self._register_system_event_handlers


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description
mycroft.ready Event indicating that OVOS is ready.


Message Type Message Data Description
mycroft.skills.is_ready "status": bool Checks if the skills service is ready.
mycroft.skills.loaded "path": str
"id": str
"name": str
Indicates that a skill has been successfully loaded.
mycroft.skills.loading_failure "path": str
"id": str
Indicates that a skill failed to load.
mycroft.skills.shutdown "path": str
"id": str
Notifies that a skill is being shutdown.