OCP Pipeline

NEW in ovos-core version 0.0.8

The OCP framework matches utterances and collects playback results from skills.

The new OCP Pipeline integrates media queries directly into ovos-core as a first class NLP pipeline component, in ovos-core <= version 0.0.7 Classic OCP registered intents with the regular intent system,

  "intents" : {
    "OCP": {
      // legacy forces old audio service instead of OCP
      "legacy": false,
      // min confidence (0.0 - 1.0) to accept MediaType
      "classifier_threshold": 0.4,
      // min conf for each result (0 - 100)
      "min_score": 50,
      // filter results from "wrong" MediaType
      "filter_media": true,
      // filter results we lack plugins to play
      "filter_SEI": true,
      // playback mode
      // 0 - auto
      // 10 - audio results only
      // 20 - video results only
      "playback_mode": 0,
      // if MediaType query fails, try Generic query
      "search_fallback": true

Pipeline components

TIP: read the pipeline documentation first!

provide 4 new pipeline components:

  • ocp_high

  • ocp_medium

  • ocp_low

  • ocp_legacy

ocp_legacy - Legacy CommonPlay

If you can't migrate your old skills to the OCP framework, you can add ocp_legacy to your pipeline to check for legacy common play skill matches

NOTE: This is independent of the OCPSkills handling and needs to be explicitly added to your pipeline config

  "intents" : {
    // the pipeline is a ordered set of frameworks to send an utterance too
    // if one of the frameworks fails the next one is used, until an answer is found
    // NOTE: dont copy paste this, edit to your taste! "..." is not valid here
    "pipeline": [

When comparing legacy common play skills to OCPSkills, it's essential to understand the differences in how they handle playback within the OCP pipeline.

Legacy CommonPlay Skills:

  • Originate from Mycroft.
  • Used to depend on a companion skill under mycroft-core
  • Supported via OCP Pipeline in ovos-core version 0.0.8.
  • Deprecated since ovos-core version 0.0.8.
  • Scheduled for full removal on `ovos-core version 0.1.0.
  • Handle their own playback.
  • Typically reliant on the legacy audio system.
  • Requires manually enabling support in mycroft.conf


  • Designed to work with the OCP Pipeline.
  • Return results only, leaving playback management to the OCP system.
  • Provide a more modular and maintainable system for media playback.
  • Offer enhanced capabilities such as GUI, playlists, and video support.
  • Represent the future direction of media playback within ovos-core.
  • Natively supported by ovos-core

ocp_high - Unambiguous

Before regular intent stage, taking into account current OCP state (media ready to play / playing)

  "intents" : {
    // NOTE: dont copy paste this, edit to your taste! "..." is not valid here
    "pipeline": [

Only matches if user unambiguously wants to trigger OCP

uses padacioso for exact matches

  • play {query}
  • previous (media needs to be loaded)
  • next (media needs to be loaded)
  • pause (media needs to be loaded)
  • play / resume (media needs to be loaded)
  • stop (media needs to be loaded)
ocp = OCPPipelineMatcher()
print(ocp.match_high("play metallica", "en-us"))
# IntentMatch(intent_service='OCP_intents',
#   intent_type='ocp:play',
#   intent_data={'media_type': <MediaType.MUSIC: 2>, 'query': 'metallica',
#                'entities': {'album_name': 'Metallica', 'artist_name': 'Metallica'},
#                'conf': 0.96, 'lang': 'en-us'},
#   skill_id='ovos.common_play', utterance='play metallica')

ocp_medium - Semi-Ambiguous

  "intents" : {
    // NOTE: dont copy paste this, edit to your taste! "..." is not valid here
    "pipeline": [

uses a binary classifier to detect if a query is about media playback

ocp = OCPPipelineMatcher()

print(ocp.match_high("put on some metallica", "en-us"))
# None

print(ocp.match_medium("put on some metallica", "en-us"))
# IntentMatch(intent_service='OCP_media',
#   intent_type='ocp:play',
#   intent_data={'media_type': <MediaType.MUSIC: 2>,
#                'entities': {'album_name': 'Metallica', 'artist_name': 'Metallica', 'movie_name': 'Some'},
#                'query': 'put on some metallica',
#                'conf': 0.9578441098114333},
#   skill_id='ovos.common_play', utterance='put on some metallica')

ocp_low - Ambiguous

Uses keyword matching and requires at least 1 keyword

  "intents" : {
    // NOTE: dont copy paste this, edit to your taste! "..." is not valid here
    "pipeline": [

OCP skills can provide these keywords at runtime, additional keywords for things such as media_genre were collected via SPARQL queries to wikidata

ocp = OCPPipelineMatcher()

print(ocp.match_medium("i wanna hear metallica", "en-us"))
# None

print(ocp.match_fallback("i wanna hear metallica", "en-us"))
#  IntentMatch(intent_service='OCP_fallback',
#    intent_type='ocp:play',
#    intent_data={'media_type': <MediaType.MUSIC: 2>,
#                 'entities': {'album_name': 'Metallica', 'artist_name': 'Metallica'},
#                 'query': 'i wanna hear metallica',
#                 'conf': 0.5027561091821287},
#    skill_id='ovos.common_play', utterance='i wanna hear metallica')

Playback Frameworks

After the OCP pipeline selects a skill, it proceeds as follows:

  • For OCP Skills: The pipeline collects results from all skills, selects the best one, and handles playback accordingly.

  • For CommonPlay Legacy Skills: The pipeline selects the best skill and instructs it to handle playback.

Here's a simple table comparing the three playback handling options for OCPSkills:

Feature Legacy Audio System Classic OCP ovos-media
Music Playback Basic support Yes Work in Progress
Video Playback No Yes Work in Progress
Web Playback No Yes Work in Progress
Legacy Audio Plugins Yes Yes No
Media Plugins No No Yes
GUI No Yes Yes
Shuffle/Repeat No Yes Yes
Multiple Results No Yes Yes
Featured Media No Yes Yes
Playlists Very Limited Yes Yes
Search Results Playlist No Yes Yes
Now Playing Playlist No Yes Yes
Deprecation Status Deprecated Scheduled for removal N/A
Development Status Bug fixes only Bug fixes only Work in Progress

Audio Service

Integrating with the audio service enables basic playback functionality. While limited it should work in more platform

    "Audio": {
        "default-backend": "vlc",
        "backends": {
          "simple": {
            "type": "ovos_audio_simple",
            "active": true
          "vlc": {
            "type": "ovos_vlc",
            "active": true



Efficient entity matching is done via Aho–Corasick algorithm, keyword features are essentially a keyword count.

The way the OCP dataset was collected ensures these keyword features were present during training and interpretable, therefore during runtime any number of entities can be loaded, OVOS skills can also register their own keywords.

This approach together with classical text features is used to train classifiers used in the OCP Pipeline


Media Type Classifier

internally used to tag utterances before OCP search process, this informs the result selection by giving priority to certain skills and helps performance by skipping some skills completely during search

uses a scikit-learn classifier trained in a large synthetic dataset


class MediaType:
    GENERIC = 0  # nothing else matches
    AUDIO = 1  # things like ambient noises
    MUSIC = 2
    VIDEO = 3  # eg, youtube videos
    GAME = 5  # because it shares the verb "play", mostly for disambguation
    PODCAST = 6
    RADIO = 7  # live radio
    NEWS = 8  # news reports
    TV = 9  # live tv stream
    MOVIE = 10
    TRAILER = 11
    AUDIO_DESCRIPTION = 12  # narrated movie for the blind
    VISUAL_STORY = 13  # things like animated comic books
    SHORT_FILM = 17  # typically movies under 45 min
    VIDEO_EPISODES = 19  # tv series etc
    CARTOON = 21
    ANIME = 22

    ADULT = 69  # for content filtering
    HENTAI = 70  # for content filtering
    ADULT_AUDIO = 71  # for content filtering

The features of this classifier have been engineered to allow influencing classifications at runtime based on available skills

Classifier options:

  • trained on text only features (count vectorizer baseline - english) ~= 85% accuracy

  • trained on keyword features (lang agnostic - runtime keywords influence classification) ~= 88% accuracy

  • trained on probabilities of text only classifier + keyword features (english only - runtime keywords influence classification) ~= 95% accuracy

NOTE: several classification algorithms have been tested, Perceptron and MLP are the most sensitive to the runtime bias properly

Binary classifier

using the dataset collected for media type + ovos-datasets


Classifier options:

  • trained on text only features (count vectorizer baseline - english) ~= 95% accuracy

  • trained on keyword features (lang agnostic - runtime keywords influence classification) ~= 90% accuracy

Standalone Usage

check if an utterance is playback related

clf = BinaryPlaybackClassifier()
preds = clf.predict(["play a song", "play my morning jams",
                     "i want to watch the matrix",
                     "tell me a joke", "who are you", "you suck"])
print(preds)  # ['OCP' 'OCP' 'OCP' 'other' 'other' 'other']

get media type of a playback utterance

# basic text only classifier
clf1 = MediaTypeClassifier()

label, confidence = clf1.predict_prob(["play metallica"])[0]
print(label, confidence)  # [('music', 0.3438956411030462)]

# keyword biased classifier, uses the above internally for extra features
clf = BiasedMediaTypeClassifier(lang="en", preload=True)  # load entities database

# klownevilus is an unknown entity
label, confidence = clf.predict_prob(["play klownevilus"])[0]
print(label, confidence)  # music 0.3398020446925623

# probability increases for movie
clf.register_entity("movie_name", ["klownevilus"])  # movie correctly predicted now
label, confidence = clf.predict_prob(["play klownevilus"])[0]
print(label, confidence)  # movie 0.540225616798516