OVOS MessageBus Client

The OVOS MessageBus Client is a Python module providing a simple interface for the OVOS MessageBus. It can be used to connect to OVOS, send messages, and react to messages sent by the OVOS system.

The module is available through PyPI.org or directly on Github.


The OVOSBusClient() object can be setup to connect to any host and port as well as any endpoint on that host. this makes it quite versatile and will work on the main bus as well as on a gui bus. If no arguments are provided it will try to connect to a local instance of OVOS on the default endpoint and port.


The Message object is a representation of the messagebus message, this will always contain a message type but can also contain data and context. Data is usually real information while the context typically contain information on where the message originated or who the intended recipient is.

Message('MESSAGE_TYPE', data={'meaning': 42}, context={'origin': 'A.Dent'})

Sending a Message

In the following example we setup an instance of the MessageBusClient then emit a speak Message with a data payload. OVOS would consume this Message and speak "Hello World".

from ovos_bus_client import MessageBusClient, Message

print('Setting up client to connect to a local mycroft instance')
client = MessageBusClient()

print('Sending speak message...')
client.emit(Message('speak', data={'utterance': 'Hello World'}))

Listening for a Message

In the following example we setup an instance of the MessageBusClient. We then define a function print_utterance that prints the utterance from a Message. This is registered as a handler for the speak Message. Finally we call the run_forever() method to keep the client running.

If this code had run before the example above, it would catch the speak Message we emitted and print: OVOS said "Hello World"

from ovos_bus_client import MessageBusClient, Message

print('Setting up client to connect to a local ovos instance')
client = MessageBusClient()

def print_utterance(message):
    print('OVOS said "{}"'.format(message.data.get('utterance')))

print('Registering handler for speak message...')
client.on('speak', print_utterance)


Manually connecting to the MessageBus

Here is an example Python script to connect to the messagebus:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from websocket import create_connection
uri = 'ws://' + sys.argv[1] + ':8181/core'
ws = create_connection(uri)
print("Sending " + sys.argv[2] + " to " + uri + "...")
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
    data = sys.argv[3]
    data = "{}"

message = '{"type": "' + sys.argv[2] + '", "data": ' + data +'}'  
result = ws.send(message)  
print("Receiving..." )
result = ws.recv()  
print("Received '%s'" % result)