
Config Files

When the configuration loader starts, it looks in several locations byorder, and loads ALL configurations.

Keys that exist in multiple configuration files will be overridden by the last file to contain the value. This process results in a minimal amount being written for a specific device and user, without modifying default distribution files.

The main configuration files are commonly referred too as:

  • default - the file shipped by the ovos-config package, containing default values
  • system - located at /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf, intended to be shipped by specific platforms such as pre built raspberry pi images for dedicated hardware or by your OS package manager
  • remote - locate at ~/.config/mycroft/web_cache.json, if using a backend to manage multiple devices this is where any downloaded config would be stored
  • user - located at ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf, intended for users to modify, usually does not exist until created by a user

users should ALWAYS change the file located at ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf, if it does not exist, create it!

OS ENV vars

all XDG paths across OVOS take into account envvar OVOS_CONFIG_BASE_FOLDER when building the final path, this defaults to "mycroft"

eg. if envvarOVOS_CONFIG_BASE_FOLDER is set to "myfolder" ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf becomes ~/.config/myfolder/mycroft.conf

similiarly the config file name is determined envvar OVOS_CONFIG_FILENAME, this defaults to "mycroft.conf"

eg. if OVOS_CONFIG_FILENAME is set to "myconfig.yaml" ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf becomes ~/.config/mycroft/myconfig.yaml

Some individual configuration files full path can also be modified by environment variables, instead of dynamically determined via the previous settings.

For backwards compatibility with mycroft-core previously existing Mycroft envvars are also respected

  • 'OVOS_DEFAULT_CONFIG' to replace the default mycroft.conf that ships with ovos-config package
  • 'MYCROFT_SYSTEM_CONFIG' to replace /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf
  • 'MYCROFT_WEB_CACHE' to replace $XDG_CONFIG_PATH/mycroft/web_cache.json

NOTE: Configuration files can be in either json or yaml format. json files must have .json or .conf file extensions, yaml files must have .yml or .yaml file extensions. This applies to full paths and to OVOS_CONFIG_FILENAME

Configuring Configuration

There are a couple of special configuration keys that change the way the configuration stack loads.


A "protected_keys" configuration section may be added to a Default or System Config file (default /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf). This configuration section specifies other configuration keys that may not be specified in remote or user configurations. Keys may specify nested parameters with . to exclude specific keys within nested dictionaries. An example config could be:

  "protected_keys": {
    "remote": [
    "user": [

This example specifies that config['gui_websocket']['host'] may be specified in user configuration, but not remote. config['websocket']['host'] may not be specified in user or remote config, so it will only consider default and system configurations.


If this config parameter is set to True in Default or System configuration, no user configurations will be loaded (no XDG configuration paths).


If this config parameter is set to True in Default or System configuration, the remote configuration (web_cache.json) will not be loaded.