Runtime Requirements


The ready_settings configuration is part of the SkillManager and determines when the 'mycroft.ready' message is emitted, indicating that OVOS is ready to operate.

  • 'skills':

    • Waits for the all offline skills to be loaded
  • 'network_skills':

    • Waits for the '' message
  • 'internet_skills':

    • Waits for the 'mycroft.internet.connected' message
  • 'setup':

    • Waits for an external setup skill to handle actions such as pairing and configuration.
  • 'audio':

    • Waits for the audio stack to be initialized
  • 'speech':

    • Waits for the speech engine (STT) to be initialized
  "ready_settings": [

WARNING The default behavior is to wait only for offline skills at the start. This is a departure from mycroft-core, which did not have dynamic skills. It may impact skills listening for the mycroft.ready event.

In this example, the ready_settings are configured to wait for network and internet connectivity before emitting the 'mycroft.ready' message. Each setup can costumize these settings based on their needs, a offline install won't want internet skills, a server wont want a audio stack etc.

Dynamic Loading and Unloading

NEW in ovos-core version 0.0.8

Optimizing Resource Usage

OVOS introduces dynamic loading and unloading of skills, streamlining resource management. Skill developers no longer need to perform connectivity checks during the skill loading process.

Skills are loaded only when their specific requirements are met. This optimization prevents unnecessary loading, conserving system resources and ensuring a more efficient skill environment.

Reducing Unintended Activations

Dynamic unloading of skills based on specific conditions significantly reduces the chance of unintentional activations. In scenarios where required conditions are not met, skills are gracefully unloaded, enhancing the user experience by avoiding unintended skill triggers.

This approach aligns with resource-conscious design, providing a more responsive and reliable voice assistant environment. Developers can focus on skill functionality, knowing that OVOS efficiently manages skill loading and unloading based on runtime requirements.

The RuntimeRequirements @classproperty

NEW in ovos-core version 0.0.8

WARNING this functionality deprecates "priority_skills" config option

The RuntimeRequirements property is a class property that skill developers can utilize to define the conditions and resource requirements of their skill during initialization and runtime. This property is a part of the OVOSSkill class and is used to guide the loading and unloading of skills based on specified criteria.

To use RuntimeRequirements, skill developers need to override the property within their skill class.

It's important to note that RuntimeRequirements is optional. If not defined, OVOS will assume internet is required but GUI is optional. This default behavior reflects the original behavior of mycroft-core and might change in the future.

NOTE: The @classproperty decorator allows SkillManager to read this without instantiating the skill.

These examples showcase how RuntimeRequirements can be used to tailor the loading and runtime conditions of a skill based on specific requirements and dependencies.

Fully Offline Skill

In this example, a fully offline skill is defined. The skill does not require internet or network connectivity during loading or runtime. If the network or internet is unavailable, the skill can still operate.

Defining this will ensure your skill loads as soon as possible; otherwise, the SkillManager will wait for internet before loading the skill.

from ovos_utils import classproperty
from ovos_workshop.skills import OVOSSkill

class MyOfflineSkill(OVOSSkill):

    def runtime_requirements(self):
        return RuntimeRequirements(internet_before_load=False,

Internet-Dependent Skill

In this example, an online search skill with a local cache is defined. The skill requires internet connectivity during both loading and runtime. If the internet is not available, the skill won't load. Once loaded, the skill continues to require internet connectivity.

However, our skill keeps a cache of previous results; therefore, it declares it can handle internet outages and will not be unloaded when the internet goes down.

from ovos_utils import classproperty
from ovos_workshop.skills import OVOSSkill

class MyInternetSkill(OVOSSkill):

    def runtime_requirements(self):
        # our skill can answer cached results when the internet goes down
        return RuntimeRequirements(
            internet_before_load=True,  # only load once we have internet
            requires_internet=True,  # indicate we need internet to work
            no_internet_fallback=True  # do NOT unload if internet goes down

    def initialize(self):
        ...  # do something that requires internet connectivity

IOT Skill Controlling Devices via LAN

Consider a skill that should only load once we have a network connection. By specifying that requirement, we can ensure that the skill is only loaded once the requirements are met, and it is safe to utilize network resources on initialization.

In this example, an IOT skill controlling devices via LAN is defined. The skill requires network connectivity during loading, and if the network is not available, it won't load.

Once loaded, the skill continues to require network connectivity and will unload if the network is lost.

from ovos_utils import classproperty
from ovos_workshop.skills import OVOSSkill

class MyIOTSkill(OVOSSkill):

    def runtime_requirements(self):
        return RuntimeRequirements(
            network_before_load=True,  # only load once network available
            requires_network=True,  # we need network to work
            no_network_fallback=False  # unload if network goes down

    def initialize(self):
        ...  # do something that needs LAN connectivity

GUI and Internet-Dependent Skill with Fallback

Consider a skill with both graphical user interface (GUI) and internet dependencies is defined.

The skill requires both GUI availability and internet connectivity during loading.

If either the GUI or the internet is not available, the skill won't load. Once loaded, the skill continues to require both GUI availability, but internet connectivity is optional.

If the user asks "show me the picture of the day" and we have both internet and a GUI, our skill will match the intent.

If we do not have internet but have a GUI, the skill will still operate, using a cached picture. If no GUI is available then the skill will unload regardless of internet status

from ovos_utils import classproperty
from ovos_workshop.skills import OVOSSkill

class MyGUIAndInternetSkill(OVOSSkill):

    def runtime_requirements(self) -> RuntimeRequirements:
        return RuntimeRequirements(
            gui_before_load=True,  # only load if GUI is available
            requires_gui=True,  # continue requiring GUI once loaded
            internet_before_load=True,  # only load if internet is available
            requires_internet=True,  # continue requiring internet once loaded
            no_gui_fallback=False,  # unload if GUI becomes unavailable
            no_internet_fallback=True  # do NOT unload if internet becomes unavailable, use cached picture

    def initialize(self):
        ...  # do something that requires both GUI and internet connectivity