

Listens To

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) handled by
opm.tts.query Responds with TTS plugin data. opm.tts.query.response self.handle_opm_tts_query
opm.g2p.query Responds with G2P plugin data. opm.g2p.query.response self.handle_opm_g2p_query
opm.audio.query Responds with audio service plugin data. opm.audio.query.response self.handle_opm_audio_query
speak 'utterance': str
'expect_response': bool
generates and queues TTS audio for playback self.handle_speak
mycroft.stop Handles global stop and shuts down speech. mycroft.stop.handled self.handle_stop
mycroft.audio.speech.stop stops speech. self.handle_stop
mycroft.audio.speak.status reports if OVOS is speaking. mycroft.audio.is_speaking self.handle_speak_status
mycroft.audio.queue 'uri': str
'listen': bool
'viseme': str
'audio_ext': str
Queues a sound file to play in the speech thread. self.handle_queue_audio
mycroft.audio.play_sound 'uri': str Plays a sound file immediately (may play over TTS). self.handle_instant_play
ovos.languages.tts Handles a request for supported TTS languages. ovos.languages.tts.response self.handle_get_languages_tts


Message Type Message Data Description In Response To
opm.tts.query.response 'langs': List
'plugins': {lang: List}
configs: {plugin_name: {lang: List}}
options: {lang: List}}
Responds to opm.tts.query with TTS plugin data. opm.tts.query
opm.g2p.query.response 'langs': List
'plugins': {lang: List}
configs: {plugin_name: {lang: List}}
options: {lang: List}}
Responds to opm.g2p.query with G2P plugin data. opm.g2p.query
opm.audio.query.response 'plugins': List
configs: {backend_name: Dict}
options: {lang: List}}
Responds to opm.audio.query with audio service plugin data. opm.audio.query
mycroft.audio.is_speaking 'speaking': bool Reports whether OVOS is currently speaking. mycroft.audio.speak.status
ovos.languages.tts.response 'langs': List Handles a request for supported TTS languages. ovos.languages.tts


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s) handled by
mycroft.audio.service.play 'tracks': List
'repeat': bool
Starts playback of a tracklist. self._play
mycroft.audio.service.queue 'tracks': List Queues up tracks for playback. self._queue
mycroft.audio.service.pause Pauses the current audio service. self._pause
mycroft.audio.service.resume Resumes playback of the paused audio. self._resume
mycroft.audio.service.stop Stops any playing audio service. self._stop
mycroft.audio.service.next Skips the current track and plays the next. self._next
mycroft.audio.service.prev Starts playing the previous track. self._prev
mycroft.audio.service.track_info Requests track information. mycroft.audio.service.track_info_reply self._track_info
mycroft.audio.service.list_backends Requests a list of available audio backends. self._list_backends
mycroft.audio.service.set_track_position 'position': int Sets the track position in milliseconds. self._set_track_position
mycroft.audio.service.get_track_position Requests the current track position. self._get_track_position
mycroft.audio.service.get_track_length Requests the duration of the audio in milliseconds. self._get_track_length
mycroft.audio.service.seek_forward 'seconds': int Seeks forward by the specified number of seconds. self._seek_forward
mycroft.audio.service.seek_backward 'seconds': int Seeks backward by the specified number of seconds. self._seek_backward
recognizer_loop:audio_output_start Triggered when audio output starts and lowers the volume. self._lower_volume
recognizer_loop:record_begin Triggered when recording begins and lowers the volume. self._lower_volume
recognizer_loop:audio_output_end Triggered when audio output ends and restores the volume. self._restore_volume
recognizer_loop:record_end Restores the volume after recording is done. self._restore_volume_after_record


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to
mycroft.audio.playing_track 'track': str Informs about the track about to start playing. self.track_start
mycroft.audio.queue_end Indicates the end of the playlist. self.track_start
mycroft.stop.handled 'by': "audio:{service_name}" Indicates that audio playback was stopped. mycroft.audio.service.stop
mycroft.audio.service.track_info_reply 'data': Dict Sends track information in response to a request. mycroft.audio.service.track_info