WIFI GUI setup

provides on device QML GUI for wifi setup

Listens To

Message Type Message Data Description Emitted Response Type Handled By
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.stop.setup.event Handles the stop setup event for the WIFI plugin handle_stop_setup
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.client.registered "client": str
"id": str
Handles the registration of a client with the WIFI plugin handle_registered
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.client.deregistered Handles the deregistration of a client with the WIFI plugin handle_deregistered
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.client.registration.failure "error": str Handles the failure of client registration with the WIFI plugin handle_registration_failure
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.alive Handles the alive event from the WIFI plugin register_client
ovos.phal.nm.connection.successful Handles the successful connection event from the NM plugin display_success
ovos.phal.nm.connection.failure "errorCode": str Handles the failure connection event from the NM plugin display_failure
ovos.phal.gui.network.client.back Handles the back event in the GUI network client display_path_exit
ovos.phal.gui.display.connected.network.settings "connection_details": dict Handles the display of connected network settings in the GUI display_connected_network_settings
ovos.phal.gui.display.disconnected.network.settings "connection_details": dict Handles the display of disconnected network settings in the GUI display_disconnected_network_settings
ovos.phal.gui.network.client.internal.back Handles the internal back event in the GUI network client display_internal_back
system.display.homescreen Forcefully abort wifi setup GUI clean_shutdown
mycroft.device.settings Forcefully abort wifi setup GUI clean_shutdown


Message Type Message Data Description Emitted By
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.register.client "client": "ovos-PHAL-plugin-gui-network-client"
"type": "onDevice"
"display_text": "On Device Setup"
"has_gui": True
"requires_input": True
Registers the client with the WIFI plugin register_client
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.remove.active.client "client": "ovos-PHAL-plugin-gui-network-client" Requests removal of the active client from the WIFI plugin request_deactivate
ovos.phal.wifi.plugin.user.activated Restart WiFi setup on failure. display_path_exit
ovos.wifi.setup.completed Indicates that WiFi setup is completed successfully. display_success