

Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
ovos.setup.state.get Requests the setup state from the ovos-setup skill ovos.setup.state
mycroft.internet.connected Indicates that the internet is connected
mycroft.network.connected Indicates that the network is connected
mycroft.gui.available "permanent": bool Indicates that the GUI is available
mycroft.internet.disconnected Indicates that the internet is disconnected
mycroft.network.disconnected Indicates that the network is disconnected
mycroft.gui.unavailable Indicates that the GUI is unavailable
mycroft.skills.trained Indicates that skill intents have been trained
ovos.setup.finished Indicates the completion of the setup process
skillmanager.activate "skill_id": str Loads a skill, if it is available skillmanager.activate.response
skillmanager.deactivate "skill_id": str Unloads a skill, if it is loaded skillmanager.deactivate.response
skillmanager.keep "skill_id": str Unloads all skills but the provided
skillmanager.list Returns a list of all loaded skills mycroft.skills.list


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
ovos.skills.settings_changed "skill_id": str Notifies a change in skill settings.json self._handle_settings_file_change
mycroft.skills.list List["": "active": bool, "id": string] Provides a list of loaded skills skillmanager.list
mycroft.skills.error "internet_loaded": bool
"network_loaded": bool
Indicates an error waiting for internet skills to load at startup self.run
mycroft.skills.initialized Indicates that skills have been initialized
mycroft.internet.connected when ovos-phal-plugin-connectivity-events missing perform direct network checks
mycroft.network.connected when ovos-phal-plugin-connectivity-events missing perform direct network checks
mycroft.ready Signals that Mycroft is ready self.handle_check_device_readiness


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
ovos.skills.install "url": str Installs a skill from a GitHub URL. ovos.skills.install.complete, ovos.skills.install.failed
ovos.skills.uninstall Uninstalls a skill. ovos.skills.uninstall.failed
ovos.pip.install "packages": list Installs Python packages using pip. ovos.pip.install.complete, ovos.pip.install.failed
ovos.pip.uninstall "packages": list Uninstalls Python packages using pip. ovos.pip.uninstall.complete, ovos.pip.uninstall.failed


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
mycroft.audio.play_sound "uri": str play sounds via ovos-audio self.play_error_sound
ovos.skills.install.failed "error": str signal that installation failed self.handle_install_skill
ovos.skills.install.complete signal that installation was successful self.handle_install_skill
ovos.skills.uninstall.failed "error": str signal that skill uninstallation failed self.handle_uninstall_skill
ovos.skills.uninstall.complete signal that skill uninstallation was successful self.handle_uninstall_skill
ovos.skills.pip.install.failed "error": str signal that pypi installation failed self.handle_install_python
ovos.skills.pip.install.complete signal that pypi installation was successful self.handle_install_python
ovos.skills.pip.uninstall.failed "error": str signal that pypi uninstallation failed self.handle_uninstall_python
ovos.skills.pip.uninstall.complete signal that pypi uninstallation was successful self.handle_uninstall_python


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
recognizer_loop:utterance utterances: list
lang: str
Handle a natural language question from the user
register_vocab entity_value: str
entity_type: str
regex: str
alias_of: str
lang: str
Register vocabulary for the Adapt intent service
register_intent intent_type: str Register an intent for the Adapt intent service
detach_intent intent_name: str Remove a registered intent from the intent service
detach_skill skill_id: str Remove all intents registered for a specific skill from the intent service
add_context context: str
word: str
origin: str
Add context to the session context manager
remove_context context: str Remove specific context from the session context manager
clear_context Clear all keywords from the session context manager
intent.service.intent.get utterance: str DEPRECATED: Get intent information for a given utterance intent.service.intent.reply
intent.service.skills.get DEPRECATED: Get a list of registered skills intent.service.skills.reply
intent.service.adapt.get utterance: str DEPRECATED: Get Adapt intent information for a given utterance intent.service.adapt.reply
intent.service.adapt.manifest.get DEPRECATED: Get the manifest of registered Adapt intents intent.service.adapt.manifest
intent.service.adapt.vocab.manifest.get DEPRECATED: Get the manifest of registered Adapt vocabulary intent.service.adapt.vocab.manifest
intent.service.padatious.get utterance: str
norm_utt: str
DEPRECATED: Get Padatious intent information for a given utterance intent.service.padatious.reply
intent.service.padatious.manifest.get DEPRECATED: Get the manifest of registered Padatious intents intent.service.padatious.manifest
intent.service.padatious.entities.manifest.get DEPRECATED: Get the manifest of registered Padatious entities intent.service.padatious.entities.manifest


Selected intents have their own messages that can not be listed here

Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
each intent has it's own message_type Trigger selected intent recognizer_loop:utterance
mycroft.audio.play_sound "uri": str Play error sound self.send_complete_intent_failure
complete_intent_failure signal we failed to handle an utterance self.send_complete_intent_failure
intent.service.intent.reply "intent": dict DEPRECATED: get intent that would match, excluding converse/fallback intent.service.intent.get
intent.service.skills.reply "skills": list DEPRECATED: send list of skills with registered intents intent.service.skills.get
intent.service.adapt.reply "intent": dict DEPRECATED: get intent that would match with adapt intent.service.adapt.get
intent.service.adapt.manifest "intents": list DEPRECATED: get list of registered adapt intents intent.service.adapt.manifest.get
intent.service.adapt.vocab.manifest "vocab": list DEPRECATED: get list of registered adapt keywords intent.service.adapt.vocab.manifest.get
intent.service.padatious.reply "intent": dict DEPRECATED: get intent that would match with padatious intent.service.padatious.get
intent.service.padatious.manifest "intents": list DEPRECATED: get list of registered padatious intents intent.service.padatious.manifest.get
intent.service.padatious.entities.manifest "entities": list DEPRECATED: get list of registered padatious entities intent.service.padatious.entities.manifest.get


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
common_query.question 'utterance': str Handles common query questions and initiates searches. question:query
question:query.response 'phrase': str
'skill_id': str
'searching': bool
'answer': str
'conf': float
'callback_data': dict
Provides a response to a common query with search information and the answer.


Message Type Message Data Description sent by
question:query 'phrase': str Initiates a common query for a specific phrase. self.handle_question
question:action 'phrase': str
'skill_id': str
'callback_data': dict
Trigger skill callback after answer was selected self._query_timeout
question:query.timeout 'phrase': str
'skill_id': str
Tell common_qa skills to stop searching self.handle_query_response
speak 'utterance': str DEPRECATED: speak is now done by the selected skill self._query_timeout


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
mycroft.speech.recognition.unknown Reset converse when speech recognition is unknown.
intent.service.skills.deactivate "skill_id": str Deactivate a skill. intent.service.skills.deactivated
intent.service.skills.activate "skill_id": str Activate a skill. intent.service.skills.activated
intent.service.active_skills.get Request a list of active skills. intent.service.active_skills.reply
skill.converse.get_response.enable "skill_id": str Enable get_response mode for skill_id
skill.converse.get_response.disable "skill_id": str Disable get_response mode for skill_id
skill.converse.pong "skill_id": str
"can_handle": bool
Acknowledge skill's ability to handle conversation.
skill.converse.response "result": bool, "error": str Response from a skill about handling a conversation.
active_skill_request "skill_id": str DEPRECATED: Activate a skill (backward compatibility). intent.service.skills.activated


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
skill.converse.ping Ping all skills to check if they want to converse. skill.converse.pong
skill.converse.request "skill_id": str
"utterances": list
"lang": str
Request a skill to handle a conversation. skill.converse.response
intent.service.skills.deactivated "skill_id": str Notification that a skill has been deactivated. intent.service.skills.deactivate
intent.service.skills.activated "skill_id": str Notification that a skill has been activated. intent.service.skills.activate
intent.service.active_skills.reply "skills": list Reply to a request for a list of active skills. intent.service.active_skills.get
{skill_id}.converse.get_response "utterances": list
"lang": str
send get_response answer for skill_id to handle self.converse
{skill_id}.converse.request "utterances": list
"lang": str
send utterance for skill_id to converse self.converse


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
ovos.skills.fallback.register "skill_id": str
"priority": int
Registers a skill for fallback handling with an optional priority level.
ovos.skills.fallback.deregister "skill_id": str Deregisters a skill from fallback handling.
ovos.skills.fallback.{skill_id}.response "result": bool
"error": str
Indicates the result of the specific skill's fallback handling attempt and any potential errors.
ovos.skills.fallback.pong "skill_id": str
"can_handle": bool
Acknowledges a skill's willingness to handle fallback and whether it can handle it.


Message Type Message Data Description Sent by
ovos.skills.fallback.ping "skill_id": str Requests skills to acknowledge their willingness to handle fallback for a specific skill. self._collect_fallback_skills
ovos.skills.fallback.{skill_id}.request "skill_id": str
"utterance": str
"lang": str
Requests a specific skill to attempt fallback handling for the given utterances and language. self.attempt_fallback
mycroft.skills.fallback "utterance": str
"lang": str
"fallback_range": tuple
DEPRECATED fallback handling by a legacy fallback skill singleton class.


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
padatious:register_intent 'name': str
'file_name': str
'samples': List[str]
'lang': str
Register a new intent with Padacioso.
padatious:register_entity 'name': str
'file_name': str
'samples': List[str]
'lang': str
Register a new entity with Padacioso.
detach_intent 'intent_name': str Detach a specific intent from Padacioso.
detach_skill 'skill_id': str Detach all intents associated with a skill from Padacioso.


Listens to

Message Type Message Data Description Response Type(s)
padatious:register_intent 'name': str
'file_name': str
'samples': List[str]
'lang': str
Register an intent with Padatious for intent recognition.
padatious:register_entity 'name': str
'file_name': str
'samples': List[str]
'lang': str
Register an entity with Padatious for entity recognition.
detach_intent 'intent_name': str Remove a registered intent from Padatious.
detach_skill 'skill_id': str Remove all intents registered by a specific skill from Padatious.
mycroft.skills.initialized Triggered when skills are initialized, used to initiate training. mycroft.skills.trained


Message Type Message Data Description In Response to / sent by
mycroft.skills.trained Indicates that intents classifiers have been trained. mycroft.skills.initialized