OVOS Backend Client

Python client library for interaction with several supported backends under a single unified interface


from ovos_backend_client.api import GeolocationApi

geo = GeolocationApi()
data = geo.get_geolocation("Lisbon Portugal")
# {'city': 'Lisboa',
# 'country': 'Portugal', 
# 'latitude': 38.7077507, 
# 'longitude': -9.1365919, 
# 'timezone': 'Europe/Lisbon'}

Remote Settings

To interact with skill settings on selene

from ovos_backend_client.settings import RemoteSkillSettings

# in ovos-core skill_id is deterministic and safe
s = RemoteSkillSettings("skill.author")

s.settings["existing_value"] = True
s.settings["new_value"] = "will NOT show up in UI"

# auto generate new settings meta for all new values before uploading
s.settings["new_value"] = "will show up in UI"
s.generate_meta()  # now "new_value" is in meta

Selene Cloud

by hijacking skill settings we allows storing arbitrary data in selene and use it across devices and skills

from ovos_backend_client.cloud import SeleneCloud

cloud = SeleneCloud()
cloud.add_entry("test", {"secret": "NOT ENCRYPTED MAN"})
data = cloud.get_entry("test")

an encrypted version is also supported if you dont trust selene!

from ovos_backend_client.cloud import SecretSeleneCloud

k = "D8fmXEP5VqzVw2HE"  # you need this to read back the data
cloud = SecretSeleneCloud(k)
cloud.add_entry("test", {"secret": "secret data, selene cant read this"})
data = cloud.get_entry("test")


Retrieving the tokens in a skill does not depend on the selected backend, the mechanism to register a token is backend specific

First you need to authorize the application, this can be done with ovos-config-assistant if running offline or ovos-backend-manager if using personal backend

If using selene there is no automated process to add a token, you need to contact support@mycroft.ai

from ovos_backend_client.api import OAuthApi, BackendType

# api = OAuthApi()  # determine oauth backend from mycroft.conf
api = OAuthApi(backend_type=BackendType.OFFLINE)  # explicitly use ovos-backend-manager oauth
token_json = api.get_oauth_token("spotify")

OpenWeatherMap Proxy

from ovos_backend_client.api import OpenWeatherMapApi

owm = OpenWeatherMapApi()
data = owm.get_weather()
# dict - see api docs from owm onecall api

Wolfram Alpha proxy

from ovos_backend_client.api import WolframAlphaApi

wolf = WolframAlphaApi()
answer = wolf.spoken("what is the speed of light")
# The speed of light has a value of about 300 million meters per second

data = wolf.full_results("2+2")
# dict - see api docs from wolfram


a companion stt plugin is available - ovos-stt-plugin-selene

DEPRECATED - use ovos-stt-server instead

Admin Api (personal backend only!)

since local backend does not provide a web ui a admin api can be used to manage your devices

from ovos_backend_client.api import AdminApi

admin = AdminApi("secret_admin_key")
uuid = "..."  # check identity2.json in the device you want to manage

# manually pair a device
identity_json = admin.pair(uuid)

# set device info
info = {"opt_in": True,
        "name": "my_device",
        "device_location": "kitchen",
        "email": "notifications@me.com",
        "isolated_skills": False,
        "lang": "en-us"}
admin.set_device_info(uuid, info)

# set device preferences
prefs = {"time_format": "full",
         "date_format": "DMY",
         "system_unit": "metric",
         "lang": "en-us",
         "wake_word": "hey_mycroft",
         "ww_config": {"phonemes": "HH EY . M AY K R AO F T",
                       "module": "ovos-ww-plugin-pocketsphinx",
                       "threshold": 1e-90},
         "tts_module": "ovos-tts-plugin-mimic",
         "tts_config": {"voice": "ap"}}
admin.set_device_prefs(uuid, prefs)

# set location data
loc = {
    "city": {
        "code": "Lawrence",
        "name": "Lawrence",
        "state": {
            "code": "KS",
            "name": "Kansas",
            "country": {
                "code": "US",
                "name": "United States"
    "coordinate": {
        "latitude": 38.971669,
        "longitude": -95.23525
    "timezone": {
        "code": "America/Chicago",
        "name": "Central Standard Time",
        "dstOffset": 3600000,
        "offset": -21600000
admin.set_device_location(uuid, loc)