Wake Word Plugins

WakeWord plugins classify audio and report if a certain word or sound is present or not

These plugins usually correspond to the name of the voice assistant, "hey mycroft", but can also be used for other purposes

All Mycroft Wake Word Plugins need to provide a class derived from the HotWordEngine base class in ovos-plugin-manager

When the __init__() method of the base class is run the config for that module will be loaded and available through self.config. OVOS's selected language will also be available through self.lang.



Each Wake Word plugin must define the found_wake_word() method taking one argument:

  • frame_data - this is the audio data that needs to be checked for a wake word. You can process audio here or return a result previously handled in the update() method.


The update() method is optional and takes one argument:

  • chunk - live audio chunks allowing for streaming predictions. Results must be returned in the found_wake_word() method.


The stop() method is optional and takes no arguments. It should be used to perform any actions needed to shut down the hot word engine. This may include things such as unloading data or to shutdown external processes.

Entry point

To make the class detectable as a Wake Word plugin, the package needs to provide an entry point under the mycroft.plugin.wake_word namespace.

      entry_points = {'mycroft.plugin.wake_word': 'example_wake_word_plugin = my_example_ww:myWakeWordEngine'}


  • example_wake_word_plugin is the Wake Word module name for the plugin
  • my_example_ww is the Python module; and
  • myWakeWordEngine is the class in the module to return

List of Wake Word plugins

Plugin Type
ovos-ww-plugin-openWakeWord model
ovos-ww-plugin-precise-lite model
ovos-ww-plugin-vosk text samples
ovos-ww-plugin-pocketsphinx phonemes
ovos-ww-plugin-precise model
ovos-ww-plugin-snowboy model
ovos-ww-plugin-nyumaya model
ovos-ww-plugin-hotkeys keyboard

Standalone Usage

first lets get some boilerplate ouf of the way for the microphone handling logic

import pyaudio

# helper class
class CyclicAudioBuffer:
    def __init__(self, duration=0.98, initial_data=None,
                 sample_rate=16000, sample_width=2):
        self.size = self.duration_to_bytes(duration, sample_rate, sample_width)
        initial_data = initial_data or self.get_silence(self.size)
        # Get at most size bytes from the end of the initial data
        self._buffer = initial_data[-self.size:]

    def duration_to_bytes(duration, sample_rate=16000, sample_width=2):
        return int(duration * sample_rate) * sample_width

    def get_silence(num_bytes):
        return b'\0' * num_bytes

    def append(self, data):
        """Add new data to the buffer, and slide out data if the buffer is full
            data (bytes): binary data to append to the buffer. If buffer size
                          is exceeded the oldest data will be dropped.
        buff = self._buffer + data
        if len(buff) > self.size:
            buff = buff[-self.size:]
        self._buffer = buff

    def get(self):
        """Get the binary data."""
        return self._buffer

# pyaudio params
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 16000
CHUNK = 1024
SAMPLE_WIDTH = pyaudio.get_sample_size(FORMAT)
audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# start Recording
stream = audio.open(channels=CHANNELS, format=FORMAT,
    rate=RATE, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK, input=True)

def load_plugin():
    # Wake word initialization
    config = {"model": "path/to/hey_computer.model"}
    return MyHotWord("hey computer", config=config)

def listen_for_ww(plug):
    # TODO - see examples below
    return False

plug = load_plugin()

print(f"Waiting for wake word {MAX_RECORD_SECONDS} seconds")
found = listen_for_ww(plug)

if found:
    print("Found wake word!")
    print("No wake word found")

# stop everything

new style plugins

New style plugins expect to receive live audio, they may keep their own cyclic buffers internally

def listen_for_ww(plug):
    for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * MAX_RECORD_SECONDS)):
        data = stream.read(CHUNK)
        # feed data directly to streaming prediction engines
        # streaming engines return result here
        found = plug.found_wake_word(data)
        if found:
            return True

old style plugins (DEPRECATED)

Old style plugins expect to receive ~3 seconds of audio data at once

def listen_for_ww(plug):
    # used for old style non-streaming wakeword (deprecated)
    audio_buffer = CyclicAudioBuffer(plug.expected_duration,
                                     sample_rate=RATE, sample_width=SAMPLE_WIDTH)
    for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * MAX_RECORD_SECONDS)):
        data = stream.read(CHUNK)
        # add data to rolling buffer, used by non-streaming engines
        # non-streaming engines check the byte_data in audio_buffer
        audio_data = audio_buffer.get()
        found = plug.found_wake_word(audio_data)
        if found:
            return True

new + old style plugins (backwards compatibility)

if you are unsure what kind of plugin you will be using you can be compatible with both approaches like ovos-core

def listen_for_ww(plug):
    # used for old style non-streaming wakeword (deprecated)
    audio_buffer = CyclicAudioBuffer(plug.expected_duration,
                                     sample_rate=RATE, sample_width=SAMPLE_WIDTH)
    for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * MAX_RECORD_SECONDS)):
        data = stream.read(CHUNK)
        # old style engines will ignore the update
        # streaming engines will ignore the byte_data
        audio_data = audio_buffer.get()
        found = plug.found_wake_word(audio_data)
        if found:
            return True

Plugin Template

from ovos_plugin_manager.templates.hotwords import HotWordEngine
from threading import Event

class MyWWPlugin(HotWordEngine):
    def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"):
        super().__init__(key_phrase, config, lang)
        self.detection = Event()
        # read config settings for your plugin
        self.sensitivity = self.config.get("sensitivity", 0.5)
        # TODO - plugin stuff
        # how does your plugin work? phonemes? text? models?
        self.engine = MyWW(key_phrase) 

    def found_wake_word(self, frame_data):
        """Check if wake word has been found.

        Checks if the wake word has been found. Should reset any internal
        tracking of the wake word state.

            frame_data (binary data): Deprecated. Audio data for large chunk
                                      of audio to be processed. This should not
                                      be used to detect audio data instead
                                      use update() to incrementally update audio
            bool: True if a wake word was detected, else False
        detected = self.detection.is_set()
        if detected:
        return detected

    def update(self, chunk):
        """Updates the hotword engine with new audio data.

        The engine should process the data and update internal trigger state.

            chunk (bytes): Chunk of audio data to process
        if self.engine.found_it(chunk): # TODO - check for wake word

    def stop(self):
        """Perform any actions needed to shut down the wake word engine.

        This may include things such as unloading data or shutdown
        external processess.
        self.engine.bye()  # TODO - plugin specific shutdown