Skill Tests

Testing is an important part of skill development. Here are some recommendations for how to implement good tests for a skill.

Unit Tests

Like any other module, testing each method in you skill can help prevent debugging headaches when something goes wrong. These tests are specific to a skill, and it is up to the skill author to test that methods act as expected.

Skill Resource Tests

This test case may be used to test skill resource files and event registration. A shared GitHub Action is provided by Neon AI to easily implement automated tests. The following files should be included in the skill repository to use these tests.


This file specifies the expected skill resources, including files, entities, and intent names. An example from the Support Helper Skill is included for reference:

# Specify resources to test here.

# Specify languages to be tested
  - "en-us"

# vocab is lowercase .voc file basenames
vocab: []

# dialog is .dialog file basenames (case-sensitive)
  - ask_description
  - cancelled
  - complete
  - confirm_support
  - email_intro
  - email_signature
  - email_title
  - no_email
  - one_moment
  - support
# regex entities, not necessarily filenames
regex: []
  # Padatious intents are the `.intent` file names
    - contact_support.intent
  # Adapt intents are the name passed to the constructor
  adapt: []


The filename isn't important here, but a workflow must specify a job using neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_resources.yml@master. A minimal example would be:

name: Test Skill Resources

    uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_resources.yml@master

Skill Intent Tests

This test case may be used to test skill resource files and event registration. A shared GitHub Action is provided by Neon AI to easily implement automated tests. The following files should be included in the skill repository to use these tests.


This file specifies skill intents and utterances that should match those intents. Specific vocabulary and entity matches may also be specified, An example from the IP Address Skill is included for reference:

# Specify intents to test here. Valid test cases are as follows:

# Basic intent match tests only:
#  intent_name:
#    - example utterance
#    - other example utterance

# Intent tests with expected vocab/entity matches:
#  intent_name:
#    - example_utterance:
#        - expected vocab name
#        - other expected vocab name

# Intent tests with specific vocab/entity extraction tests:
#  intent_name:
#    - example_utterance:
#        - expected_vocab_key: expected_vocab_value
#        - expected_entity_key: expected_entity_value

  - what is your ip address
  - what is my ip address:
    - IP
  - what is my i.p. address
  - What is your I.P. address?
  - what is my public IP address?:
    - public: public


The filename isn't important here, but a workflow must specify a job using neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_intents.yml@master. A minimal example would be:

name: Test Skill Resources

    uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_intents.yml@master